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Our Philosophy...

Play is the centre of learning and we aim to:

  • Encourage children to care for each other and their surroundings.

  • Encourage them to solve problems and make decisions.

  • Encourage independence and confidence.

  • Give each child a sense of achievement by matching activities to their own stage of development.

  • Provide a caring environment where children can learn through play.


How we do this:

  • Work together with parents.

  • Give children time to concentrate and encourage them to complete tasks.

  • Promote self help skills – tidy away materials and equipment they have used.

  • Help them share and take turns and consider the wishes and feelings of others.


Education and learning comes from the environment and activities that your child will be introduced to and involved in on a daily basis.

We will ensure SPICE is offered throughout the child’s time at playschool (Social, Physical, Intellectual,  Creativity and Educational).


The first five years are critical in a child's development so allow us to work alongside your child and encourge learning through play.


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